The problem with Naderpur
lies in his mentality. In my opinion, Naderpur is not a person of this
age, even if he says he is and even if my saying this will make him angry
with me and he stops speaking to me. Naderpur's conservatism and the sensitivity
he displays with respect to different views about his poetry are his biggest
enemy. In my opinion, he has to make things clear between himself and
his readers. If Naderpur's poetry has remained in a stagnant state-in
terms of both form and content-the reason for it is that he is afraid
of losing a large number of his followers. Let him lose them. It is not
important that Ebrahim Sahba like my poetry. In fact, if he does, that
is an insult and an indication of a poem's defectiveness. Naderpur composes
poetry so that others will compliment him, and it makes no difference
to him who these people are. Naderpur's poetry is completely empty in
terms of content. He may be a brilliant creator of images, but of what
use to me are images? He doesn't say anything; he has nothing to say.
In terms of form, Naderpur's poetry is a matter of centimeters and a ruler.
As soon as one syllable is added to one verse, he seems to try in the
next verse to apologize for this 'offense'. Naderpur's problem is that
he is a prince and lacks audacity. He has an old and aged mentality. He
remains unaffected by anything except his own pains, which are, in any
case, inessential pains. If he doesn't make his stand clear, he is finished
as a poet. He is a poet. But it is a shame that he feigns ignorance. He
is as sensitive and finicky about readers of his poetry and their ideas
as he is about washing his hands. Friend, one day eat without washing
your hands-maybe you'll discover something.
Forugh Farrokhzad
, Harfhai ba Forugh Farrokhzad: Chahar Goft va Shonud (Conversations with
Forugh Farrokhzad: Four Interviews) (Tehran: Morvarid, 1977, pp. 73-74
A Lonely Woman: Michael
Hillmann p27
